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Vehicle Modification - Adaptions For Ancillary Functions e.g. Lights Locking | 05_121208111_0109_1_2

Unit: Each


Ensuring accessible transportation, this support item covers adaptations for vehicle ancillary functions.

Service Details:

This NDIS support item facilitates modifications to a participant's vehicle, providing comprehensive adaptations tailored to individual needs including lighting and locking mechanisms. It ensures vehicles are fitted with specialized equipment, enabling participants to control key functions easily and safely. The service may include professional assessment, installation, and necessary adjustments to support the participant's unique motor abilities.

Participant Outcomes:

Through this support, participants gain enhanced mobility, independence, and confidence in their transport. It empowers them with the freedom to travel autonomously, contributing to increased social engagement and participation in community activities. The adaptations made provide a significant quality of life improvement, especially for those with limited dexterity or physical capabilities.

Impact Statement:

This item represents crucial support for participant autonomy and inclusive access to community, fostering an independent lifestyle through customized transportation solutions.

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Vehicle Modification - Adaptions For Ancillary Functions e.g. Lights Locking | 05_121208111_0109_1_2