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Specialised Driver Training | 15_046_0129_1_3

Quotable Supports
Unit: Each


This NDIS support item facilitates customised driving lessons for participants with varied needs.

Service Details:

Specialised Driver Training is designed for NDIS participants requiring tailored driving instruction due to physical, cognitive, or sensory disabilities. Professional instructors leverage adaptive technologies and modified vehicles to provide personalised coaching. The training encompasses vehicle control, road safety, and confidence-building strategies, tailored to align with each participant's individualised NDIS plan goals.

Participant Outcomes:

Through this support, participants enhance their mobility, gain greater independence, and expand their transportation options. Achieving proficiency in driving increases access to employment, education, and community activities. The programme also focuses on empowering participants with decision-making skills and self-reliance in travel, impacting overall quality of life.

Impact Statement:

Specialised Driver Training significantly improves participants' autonomy and societal engagement, fostering inclusive community participation and enhanced well-being.

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Specialised Driver Training | 15_046_0129_1_3