Prosthesis - Osseo-Integration Mounting (Upper or Lower) - Additional Cost | 05_062200921_0135_1_2
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The NDIS support item funds additional costs associated with osseo-integrated prosthesis mountings for limbs.
Service Details:
An intricate procedure, Osseo-integration involves the integration of a prosthetic limb with bone, minimizing reliance on traditional socket prostheses. This support item covers unforeseen expenses arising during the mounting process, ensuring tailored solutions for each individual. The additional cost includes the provision of custom mounts requiring specialised materials and technology, complementing the standard osseo-integration service offering.
Participant Outcomes:
Participants benefit from increased prosthesis stability, comfort, and mobility, leading to enhanced independence in daily activities. This tailored approach mitigates fitting issues, skin irritations, and potential pain points associated with socket prostheses, providing a superior, bespoke prosthesis experience.
Impact Statement:
Prosthesis mounting additional costs underpin life-transforming interventions, significantly augmenting participants’ quality of life by enhancing their physical capabilities and well-being.