Orthosis - Foot (all types) or Prefabricated Orthotic Footwear | 05_061203111_0135_1_2
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This NDIS support item pertains to various foot orthoses and prefabricated orthotic footwear.
Service Details:
Orthosis - Foot includes custom and off-the-shelf devices designed to support the foot's structure. These devices cater to different levels of mobility impairment, providing essential support and pain relief. Prefabricated Orthotic Footwear involves shoes with built-in orthotic support, targeting specific foot-related conditions and aiding in movement.
Participant Outcomes:
Recipients can expect improved gait patterns, reduced discomfort during ambulation, and enhanced independence. Furthermore, correct orthotic fit promotes good posture, potentially preventing secondary musculoskeletal complications. These outcomes contribute to an improved quality of life.
Impact Statement:
This NDIS support item is integral to participants with foot-related disabilities, significantly improving daily mobility and fostering greater participation in various life activities.