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Continence Products Urinary - Other For Child | 03_092488056_0103_1_1

Unit: Each


Essential for managing continence issues, this NDIS support item targets children's specific needs.

Service Details:

Conceived to cater to children with urinary continence issues, this NDIS support item includes a range of products such as absorbent aids, catheters, and mattress protection. These are tailored to ensure comfort, dignity, and ease of use for young participants. This support encompasses consultations with continence professionals to find the most suitable products and educational resources for both children and caregivers.

Participant Outcomes:

Through using these specialised continence products, child participants can experience increased comfort, reduced skin irritation, and improved self-esteem. The support aids in normalising daily activities, enhancing participation in social and educational settings. Regular assessments ensure that the products remain well-aligned with the child’s changing needs and development stages.

Impact Statement:

This support remarkably elevates the quality of life for children facing continence challenges, fostering independence and inclusion.

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Continence Products Urinary - Other For Child | 03_092488056_0103_1_1