Continence Package A - Child - Annual Amount | 03_092403054_0103_1_1
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This NDIS support item caters to the continence needs of children.
Service Details:
The Continence Package A is an inclusive annual funding allocation supporting children with bladder and bowel management needs. It covers a range of products, including disposable pads, catheters, and cleaning agents. This item is tailored to assist caregivers and healthcare professionals in developing and maintaining a sustainable continence routine for young NDIS participants.
Participant Outcomes:
The support encompassed in this package aims to enhance the children's quality of life by offering comfort and dignity through effective continence solutions. It enables participation in daily activities without the constant worry of incontinence, fostering independence and positive self-esteem. Additionally, it provides relief for families and caregivers, assuring the health and hygiene of their children is well managed.
Impact Statement:
Improved continence management enables children to experience greater autonomy and active engagement in community and educational settings, promoting overall well-being.