Assisitive Products - Recreation and Sport not otherwise defined | 05_300000111_0112_1_2
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Fundamentally aimed at elevating recreational inclusivity, this NDIS support item enhances participant engagement in sports.
Service Details:
This provision covers equipment that facilitates active participation in leisure and sports for individuals with disabilities. These assistive products are tailored to enable users to engage in a variety of recreational pursuits not otherwise defined by the NDIS. Items can include but are not limited to, sports wheelchairs, adaptive gaming controls, and customised recreational equipment. Each product is designed to meet the unique requirements of the participant, thereby ensuring a seamless integration into their chosen recreational activities.
Participant Outcomes:
Users benefit through improved access to recreational activities, fostering independence and social interaction. This support enhances physical health, boosts mental well-being and encourages community involvement. Participants enjoy a tailored recreation experience, cultivating personal interests and facilitating skill development in sports and leisure.
Impact Statement:
Enhanced access to sports and leisure amplifies life quality, fostering equity and inclusion in recreation among the disabled community.